Sunday, December 16, 2012

Don't Blame the Sociopath with the Gun

In the tragedy in Newtown on Friday, there seems to be a clear culprit--Adam Lanza, the shooter.  However, blaming him for what happened is insensitive, illogical, and counterproductive to solving America's gun violence problem.  The real culprit in this massacre is our government and our society.

Gun control is a topic that few politicians are willing to discuss.  In the 2012 presidential town hall debate, the candidates were asked about gun control.  Obama, trying to appeal to conservatives, started by saying, "I believe in the 2nd amendment.  We've got a long tradition of hunting, and sportmen, and people who want to make sure they can protect themselves."   He then emphasized "the importance of parents, and the importance of schools," in preventing gun violence.  I don't want to burst your bubble Mr. President, but no amount of parenting or schooling is going to prevent sociopath with access to a gun from using it.  Romney began with: "I'm not in favor of new pieces of legislation about guns."  Politicians refuse to adress gun control in a serious manner because they believe it is political suicide.

However, not discussing it is societal suicide.  There have been too many instances in this country's recent history in which a mentally unstable person has gotten their hands on assault weapons, and the result is always the same; our leaders end up making tearful speeches and comforting the families of victims. But then, after a couple weeks or so, the whole incident goes into the back of their mind and they go on with bussiness as usual.  However, for the victims, and the families of the victims, life doesn't go back to being "business as usual."  For many of them, nothing will ever again be "bussiness as usual."

Society is also to blame for this tragedy.  In the U.S., and, to be fair, many places around the world, there is a stigma surrounding mental illness.  Mental illness is something people are born with, just like Sickle Cell Anemia and Systic Fibrosis.  If the mentally ill were able to get help as easily and as fearlessly as someone with Sickle Cell Anemia, it would vastly reduce the number of mass shootings in America.

There will always be people in society, who, if they get the chance, will go on a rampage and kill innocent people.  It's societies job to keep guns out of their hands and to get them the treatment and help they need.  And as for our politicians, it's time for them to stop backing down, and start the conversation about gun control.  As Americans, we have to push for tighter restricitons on guns and better treatment for the mentally ill--because one gun related death is too many; and 26 is way too many. 

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